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Reiki Healing Sessions Reiki Healing Sessions

Reiki Treatment in Person (Tokyo, Japan)

Reikitreatment in Tokyo The Reiki Practitioner (healer) serves as a channel by placing her hands on you gently for the energy to flow. The client remains fully clothed and the session can take place with the client lying down.

A Reiki treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. The energy flows wherever it is required and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body.

Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience.

A Reiki healing session usually lasts approximately one hour, and is available in Tokyo.
(When I confirm your appointment, I will send you the address.)

9,000 yen / a one-hour session (recommended)
5,000 yen / a half-hour session

Reiki and Fibonacci Sound Healing Session

The combination of Reiki and Fibonacci sound healing is a unique experience. Find out more about sound healing using the Fibonacci sequence @ Fibonacci Sound Healing.

15,000 yen / 90 minutes

Private Sessions and Classes Policy

Individual healing sessions and classes are scheduled by appointment.
Please arrive on time. If you are coming late for the appointment, you will be given the remaining time for the session, not extending the time allocated.
If you need to change or cancel an appointment, please give at least 24 hours notice.
Not showing up without cancellation and a last minute cancellation within 24 hours may be subject to a cancellation fee up to 100% of the session fee.

Book a Reiki Treatment!

Remote Reiki Treatment (Worldwide)

- Currently I'm unable to take on new clients for remote sessions. -

Distant Reiki Healing
Distant Reiki healing sessions are as effective as in-person sessions as energy can travel anywhere.

During a distant Reiki session, you are asked to sit, lay down or meditate in a quiet place for an optimal result. However, if something comes up during a session and you have to deal with it, that's OK too. You can still receive the energy while you are doing something.

The common experience for a distant Reiki session is a feeling of calmness and peace. You may become sleepy and fall asleep during your session. Some people experience a tingling sensation and/or warmth.
If you feel quite emotional during and after a session, and negative feelings and thoughts come up, it's a cleansing process and you don't have to worry about it.

It’s best not to have any expectations of what you might experience and just let things unfold as they will.

We don't use video chat. It's better to stay away from a computer or mobile phone during a session and simply feel the connection through the healing energy.

Clients can receive distant sessions from anywhere in the world.

Current open slots for Remote Reiki healing sessions

Please note that these slots might be subject to change based on circumstances.

Currently not available for a remote session

These time slots are base on JST. Please check the time difference if you do not live in Japan.

World Clock

5,000 yen / 30-minute session

Book a Distant Reiki session!

NOTE: Reiki is not medical treatments. Please do not replace medication with it.

* Session Fees / Currency Converter
* Reiki Classes (Attunements)
* Kinesiology Sessions
* Fibonacci Sound Healing Sessions


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