Fibonacci Sound Healing (Tokyo, Japan)
Fibonacci Sound Healing is a very powerful healing modality that works
for physical, mental/emotional and spiritual level.
The tuning forks are applied to the activation points located on your
body relating to the Eight Extraordinary Vessels of the acupuncture system.
The sound penetrates as effective as needles.
The special frequencies of sound based on the Fibonacci sequence act as the perfect carrier of intention that unseen aid in any moment of healing.
Some of the benefits of the Fibonacci healing
Deep relaxation
Precise balancing, alignment and tuning of the whole energetic system
Accessing the original energy “blue print” to aid in healing physical, mental, emotional
and spiritual trauma
Completion and healing of old habits and patterns that no longer serve
receiving a final push towards the new life phase
A Fibonacci session usually lasts approximately 60 minutes.
13,000 yen / 1 session
Reiki and Fibonacci sessions are also available. A Reiki and Fibonacci session lasts approximately 90 minutes.
16,000 yen / 1 session
Fibonacci Sound Healing is not medical treatments. Please do not
replace medication with it.
Private Sessions & Classes Policy
Individual healing sessions and classes are scheduled by appointment.
Please arrive on time. If you are coming late for the appointment,
you will be given the remaining time for the session, not extending
the time allocated.
If you need to change or cancel an appointment, please give at least
24 hours notice.
Not showing up without cancellation and a last minute cancellation
within 24 hours may be subject to a cancellation fee up to 100%
of the session fee.
* Session Fees / Currency Converter
* Reiki Healing Sessions
* Kinesiology Sessions