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Reiki Refresher Reiki Refresher and Review classes

Online Reiki Refresher Classes (for my students)

Online Reiki Refresher classes are available for my students

Once you take my Reiki class (any levels), you can take the refresher class from anywhere in the world at your convenience.
Online refresher classes are available via Zoom, Skype, Messenger or Whatsapp video chat. You can ask any questions and review and practice the level(s) you studied with me.

Taking Reiki Refresher classes can help to bring confidence and skills that you require to continue your Reiki development.
The classes are tailored to your own needs and requirements and are dependent on your current level of Reiki training. If there are particular areas that you would like to focus on, these can be discussed.

A refresher class lasts approximately 1 to 2 hours, and costs 5,000 yen.
(No re-attunements are provided.)

Please note that Reiki refresher classes are designed for students who have already studied Reiki with Yuko. It is not suitable for people with no previous Reiki training of any kind. If you have never taken Reiki classes before, please take Reiki Classes (Attunements). My Reiki classes (certification programs) are in-person only.

Book a Online Reiki Refresher!

Reiki Review (for people who studied Usui Reiki with another teacher)

Reiki Review classes are designed for students who have previously studied Usui Reiki with another Reiki teacher and wish to review the level(s) with me.

This applies to students who have taken Reiki with another teacher and wish to study higher level(s) with me. Before moving on to the following level(s), you must review the previous level(s) to cover any differences.

The review courses must begin at Level 1, and you need to go up step by step.

Level 1 (review) ---- 24,000 yen
It's highly advisable to have a Reiki treatment during this class, if you fall into either of these categories:
- If you've never experienced an in-person session.
- If you completed your Reiki training online (or self-taught)
You'll receive a discount for your treatment if you choose to have your session on the same day as your review class.
...Same-day Reiki session --- 9,000 yen

Level 2 (review) ---- 28,000 yen

Level 3 (review) ---- 38,000 yen

Master/Teacher training (Level 4 review) ---- 150,000 yen

Review classes are only available in person. (This includes textbooks, attunements and certificates.)
A review class will last between 2 and 4 hours, depending on your level of understanding.

To Reiki Masters,
If you are already a Reiki Master/Teacher and choose to take review classes with me, please be aware that the practices I teach in Levels 1, 2, and 3 are intended strictly for personal use.
My Reiki lineage can not be used for your own teaching unless you have completed my Reiki Master Teacher training (Level 4).
Thank you for your understanding.

Please contact me for more information.

Book a Reiki Review!


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